Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Son (29th March 2011)

This morning I’ve booked a ride with an ‘Easyrider’. The idea of the tours originated in Dalat and are now all over Vietnam. It’s really just going on the back of a larger bike with a driver who is then your tour guide, it’s a more interesting way of travelling and you get to go to places the big tour busses can’t go to. They offer all sorts of trips from one day around the local area to an entire tour of the country, that would involve a very sore bum though I think!

My Easyrider driver

The things you see on a bike!

But for today we’re off to My Son which is an ancient Cham city and a UNESCO World Heritage site which has similarities with Ankgor Wat in Cambodia but on a much smaller scale. I could have gone by organised bus tour but to be honest I really couldn’t face another day of being told when to get off the bus, on the bus, on the boat, off the boat etc, so that’s how I found myself on the back of the bike. It did take a bit of negotiating pricewise last night but in the end we were both happy with our negotiations and it was an interesting morning but the site really was packed solid with tourists.

My Son

This afternoon I had more of a wander around the actual town of Hoi An and kept coming across the same shop that had a gorgeous red skirt hanging in the door way. Hoi An is the one place in Vietnam where you can have just about any item of clothing made in just a few hours. I can remember having things made in Hong Kong many years ago and they were ok but not that great and although everything looks great here I’m not so sure. After going backwards and forwards past the shop a few times though I soon gave in and had this lovely skirt made and when I got it I wish I had more things made! Probably a good choice though cause I’ve still gotta carry it around for the next week or so. ;-(

Hoi An

The rest of the afternoon was spent making my plans for tomorrow and the next few days. After some working out I think I now have the rest of my time in Vietnam planned out which is quite strange and a real novelty for me......I wonder how it’s going to work out!

Japanese Covered Bridge in Hoi An

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