Sunday, March 13, 2011

Arrival in Luang Prabang (9th March 2011)

The Mekong River at Luang Prabang

I had a lay in this morning after yesterday’s events. To be honest I was still sulking over the whole event and thought I really can’t be bothered to get up!

When I finally did drag myself out of bed and do a few essentials on the internet like contacting O2 about the phone again, Jen had managed to cancel it yesterday, thanks very much Jen, but I just needed to confirm it all and get them to send me out another sim card for my return.

After I’d done that I attempted a wander into town. Taking with me all my valuable stuff, PC included! In this heat that’s a lot to carry around! Anyway I had no idea where I was going and there wasn’t anyone around to ask so off I headed and of course managed to go completely the wrong way. Instead of turning left I turned right and for the next almost 2 hours found myself wandering around an area of Luang Prabang that I don’t think many people see. I had been reading about how picturesque the centre was so knew I was never near there on this jaunt. In the end I gave up and asked and sure enough half an hour later I found myself in what appears to be a very nice centre of town with an interesting waterfront.

Tuk tuk by the Mekong River

I had a walk round to orientate myself with the area and decided that actually the guesthouse I’m staying in although nice was too far out of town for me. It was a good 15 mins walk in and out of town which is fine but when you’ve been in town all day and just want a shower before heading out again it’s a long way, so I spent quite a lot of the afternoon popping in different places to find out costs etc and because I now have no UK phone, making sure they had wifi. I found a nice place right at the end of the day and decided on moving there in the morning.

Tomorrows another day and hopefully I’ll be a little more accepting of this country and its ways of ripping off tourists!! ;-))

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