Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Russian Market and Royal Palace (22nd March 2011)

So this morning I’m at my usual dilemma once more of not knowing my plans for the next few days. I mean I sort of do but Phnom Penh is nice and it’s always a bit weird leaving somewhere for the last time. So I have today to make up my mind, I mean I’ve sorted of decided how I’m leaving Phnomn Penh (mm sort of!) it’s just a case of when.

In the meantime I decide to visit the Russian Market, the Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda. First stop the Russian Market, and it was brilliant, way too many nice things to buy but considering I still have another two weeks to carry it all around for I decide not to go too mad and stop for a delicious lunch in the market before making my way back to the centre of town for the Palace.

Egg delivery at the market

Market life

You can never have too many eggs!

Delicious dinner

The Palace and the Pagoda is on the list of ‘must sees’ but to be honest I really was expecting more. To be able to go into the Palace area you have to be completely covered up so I took this to mean that we’d actually be going in the Palace......but no! We did go in the Pagoda though which was nice although I have to say I really do get more out of the local life like the markets and just wandering around towns than I think I ever get from visiting big places like this. On that note I then visited another local market before grabbing a ride on the back of a motorbike back into town. I’ve wanted to try the whole pillion passenger taxi ride since I arrived in Cambodia (seems here its more popular than Laos) but been a bit wary, until now......I even attempted side saddle which was great fun and now that’s me, if I need transport I’m opting for the bike.....as long as it’s not too far of course. ;-)

Royal Palace

I did finally manage to make a decision regarding my next plans though (which is always a bonus! ;-)) and opted to book a three day tour going by slow boat along the Mekong River to the border crossing in Vietnam then spending the next two days on the Mekong Delta.

So I‘m off bright and early tomorrow morning. I’m so going to look forward to a lay-in when I get home!

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