Monday, March 28, 2011

Phnom Pehn (20th March 2011)

This morning I’m heading off to Phnom Pehn, the capital of Cambodia, to visit the Killing Fields and Museums. The journey from Khompong Cham is three hours including leaving half hour late and a 20 min stop.

So here I am in Phnom Pehn thinking I’ve got this whole accommodation thing sorted, I’ll just walk down to the riverfront and look around some of the accommodation there before choosing where to stay, easy right?? Oh how wrong!!

It was a 15 min walk to the riverfront with both of my bags in around 38 degree of stupidly sweaty heat! By the time I even made it to the riverfront I was a bit of a mess, to say the very least! I couldn’t find the place I thought I was looking for and came across somewhere else that looked ok. I’m in the capital of Cambodia so I expect the prices to be more but to be fair I don’t think they’re too bad really. It seems you can get a room with bathroom and air-con for under £10 which is ok, although it also seems these price rooms don’t have windows! So I’ve gone from a room with a balcony overlooking the Mekong River to a little room with no window, still on the Mekong though! ;-) So the first place I looked at seemed ok but I thought I know I’ll have a look around (!!!!!) so the next place I looked at was up 3 flights of stairs with my bags and smaller than the previous one so on that basis I decided on the first one to only get back there to find the air-con didn’t work and neither did the lights!! They did manage to sell me a coke for $2.50 though (!!) I was so hot and tired by this point that I just paid it and went swiftly back to the other place. Don’t think I’ve quite mastered the art of looking around for a room!

This afternoon I just went for a wander around town to explore a little before finding the night market right near my hotel where some Ozy guy tried to scam me by pleading he was broke after being robbed!

That night as I was walking back to the hotel a very persistent tuk tuk driver was touting for my business to visit the killing fields tomorrow. He didn’t speak much English but was very friendly and very happy and very persistent. I’ll see if he’s around in the morning.

Back at my hotel I’m convinced the room has bedbugs! But what do I know huh? I’ve tried to research them on the internet and they kinda look the same! I don’t mind normal bugs at all, I mean they’re everywhere, even some of the hotels I get with work! But bed bugs are a totally different thing, I think the worse thing about them is that you can take them away with you! Anyway the end result was that after a couple of hours of not being sure I went and woke up the guys in reception and managed to get the room changed, this room though was double the price (with a window) and I’d have to move again in the morning, that’s ok though at least this room doesn’t have bugs!

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